Tuesday 29 October 2013

Inquiry Based Learning at St. Rita

At St. Rita, we will be starting a new approach to learning Social Studies.  Inquiry based learning is a method whereby the students ask the questions they wish to find more about on the topic of interest.  As a class, we then research and share our findings.

Part of our Social Studies curriculum involves identifying and making connections with our countries of origin as well as the diverse cultures around the world.

Our class has begun a special reading to prepare for a presentation that will take place in all of our classes here at St Rita.  Seven lucky students from each Grade 2 class will be chosen to deliver this mini presentation to one class in the school with the efforts of finding out which cultures exist here at St.Rita.  Please assist your child in rehearsing this reading which is available in their french duotangs.

More to come on our inquiries...    

Wednesday 23 October 2013

La chanson de l'automne

This is our first recorded song we have learned as a class.  Can you follow the words with our actions? Enjoy our lovely voices! 

Les Activités de l'Automne: Autumn Activities

Our learning journey takes place in many forms.  During the month of October, the students have completed a variety of activities on the theme of  Autumn and Thanksgiving, "L'action de Grâces".  Here are a few examples of our work.

"C'est L'automne"

En automne j'aime...In autumn I like...


Les 2è années aiment l'automne!
 (The Grade 2's love autumn!)

"Laction de Grâces"

Je suis reconnaissant(e) pour...I am thankful for...

Merci Dieu pour... Thank-you God for...