Friday 21 February 2014

Winter Writing Update

French Writing/ L'écriture Français

The Grade 2's have been busy writing up a storm... a winter storm!  The students have written about the many things they like about winter the many things they can do in winter and the different clothing we wear in winter.  Below  is a picture of our winter tree, "Arbre d'Hiver". with some of or examples of our writing. 

We are working on introduction, middle and closing sentences.  See if you can spot the three kinds of sentecnes in our writing!

In winter I can do...
I can play...
I can slide..
Can you think of others you verbs you can do in winter?

apporter... aller...boire...manger...


The children will be bringing home their writing journals for you to review and read with them in the upcoming week. Please make sure to return them once signed.