Friday 24 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back to a new 2014 year of French and fun! 
In keeping with our winter theme of clothing and cold weather, the students have been encouraged to use their already learned vocabulary to talk about the winter clothing they brign to school.   Alsit of vocavulary can be foudn in their grench duotang.  Please encourage your kids to identify these items as they dress for school in the morning.
In Social Studies, we have begun talking about the different celebrations in Canada and around the world. Can you use your computer to find the names of other celebrations other than the ones listed? What about their countries of origin ?
Jouons un jeu! Let's play a game.
Match the picture with the celebration! 
Hanoukkah            Fête du Canada       Jour de la Saint-Patrick                       le Saint Valentin           Noël                   Ramadan              l'Action de Grâces   
Jour de l'Indépendance              Pâques               Nouvel an Chinois